Midas Pro 6 with avioms.

Haydon Wood

Oct 27, 2015

Our church is looking into getting a new console and right now its looking like its going to be either the Midas Pro 6 or Yamaha CL5. Our church has a16II avioms the older ones.

I was wondering when we get either one of these new consoles I know were going to have to go to a dante network. I looked at the DN9650 with a dante converter card for expansion and such. But my worry is once we get the new System its not really in our budget to buy new avioms... they are a bit pricey.

Will it work if we buy a dante converter for the avioms? (the older ones atleast)

Any suggestions on a cheaper solution for the ears?

we run about 56 inputs right now.

Thanks for all your help peeps!:D~:-D~:grin:
Re: Midas Pro 6 with avioms.

Just run the outputs from the console into the inputs of the old Avioms if you still want everyone to have their own mix like you've had in the past. If it were me, I'd say find some good ears to mix monitors for your church and sell off the Avioms, but that's just me.