Has anyone used the STX 828S, I am in need of some double 18" subs, custom shop double 18" is now to much $$$$ for me.
Frank Dwyer
Frank Dwyer
I like the 728's but no casters and to low to ground stack hi pack's
Silas have you heard the new boxes yet?
yes, they sound good. They are very efficient and have excellent response in the 40-60hz range. Demoed them vs some other custom speakers and they had the thump where you would expect with a 2242h.
Hanoud Associates, Raul from JBL and a group of Vertec owners met at Image Productions in Worchester today for a training session and during a break we discussed the 828 and nobody knew to much about them, so they decided to send me a pair to test. Raul did mention that the added casters was a great idea. Soon as I get them I will put them up against my custom shop for full review.
Frank Dwyer
I'm complaining to Paul and Steve that I wasn't invited!
Sent from my DROID RAZR
Talked to Steve form Hanoud, no more 928's left at the factory.
I'm not sure any one here would think this a valid excuse. Many just use a hand dolly...
STXs are quite good, very nice step up from SRX although heavy as previously stated. They greatly benefit from bi wiring.
The answer, as always, is it depends.Hi
I have 6- 828’s. Wonder what is the best placement for them to work together for even coverage and maximum thump or push ?
Here is a measurement done of a SRX728S and a STX828s. These measurements were taken outside. Measured the 728s, then put the STX828 in its place and unmuted. Only thing that changed was the speaker. Driven by an IT-12000HD running the VT4880 80 V4 preset.
The SRX728S has more output in the 30Hz-50Hz range. The STX828S has more output in the 55Hz-75Hz range. They are similar around 30Hz and the 728 has an advantage below 30Hz and from 80Hz-100Hz.
SRX728S = Blue
STX828S = Red
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