Bandwidth Ain't Free!

Business deduction

One nice thing about contributions to a professional forum is that they are a business expense and can be long as you're actually a business.

Re: Bandwidth Ain't Free!

Right now, thanks to donations, we have paid for over a year of hosting at the current rate. That is fantastic, and proves that a community such as this can be self supporting. As the community grows we will certainly need to move to a more expensive hosting plan, but hopefully as the community grows more people will donate.

I just sent $10.00 over. I know it's not much. I actually kinda miss the ads (pretty gear shots) but I'm happy to contribute to the cause, and would have done the same at PSW. If a dollar amount could be suggested to cover the costs, I'd appreciate that.

If every registered user donated $5 a year we should be able to run this forum no matter how large it gets. Since not everyone can do that, I would say $10 is an excellent amount, and $20 above and beyond. Some people have donated much more than that and they are awesome.

At some point we'd like to publicly thank everyone who has donated, maybe once a month. If you have donated, or you will donate and you would like to stay anonymous please PM David Karol or myself.
Re: Bandwidth Ain't Free!

Several users have raised valid complaints that, while donating directly to our hosting costs is nice, those funds go into a ''lockbox'' that we have no access to. We cannot use that money if we need to switch hosts. We also cannot use it to buy software licenses, register trademarks, take out ads, pay moderators, fund community events, or anything else that we didn't think of when we started this forum less than two days ago. Since this is growing at a rate we never anticipated, this sort of thing becomes a concern.

Right now we have enough in the Dreamhost account to pay for over a year of hosting at our current utilization rate. It is likely that our server usage will go up, but even with their moderately expensive plan we can pay for more than half a year.

Therefore we've opened a business PayPal account that you can donate to, and that we can use to not only pay for hosting, but also for any other expense.

Please find a new ''Donate'' button at the bottom of every page that will let you use PayPal to make a donation of any amount. If you dislike PayPal (and trust me, I understand) PM David Karol or myself and we'll give you a snail mail address.

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Re: Bandwidth Ain't Free!

I like ads when they are tastefull and not all over the place. I had a need to visit a particular website and I knew they had a banner ad on a forum I read. I figured I would click thru the ad so the forum got credit rather than just starting with google. After I decided I wanted to see that ad it took about 35 page reloads before it popped up again.