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  1. M

    Plate amps ?

    I've used the minDSP pwr-ice250 on a couple of different DIYs. One is currently mounted in the back of a box with a B&C 15cxn88 coax in it. I've also used them to drive PM60's indoors, when I didn't want any amp fan noise. (Had to make a funky rack mount panel for that.) On the PM90, i also...
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    New Member sign up problems?

    Thx David, PM sent
  3. M

    New Member sign up problems?

    Hi, on another forum, a guy said he was trying to join Soundforums, but never gets a return email confirmation/verification.
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    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Hi Jason, yep, three 1" CDs in a line, and two 6.5" mid cones on the center horn. I'm sure it will get louder, but I don't see how the multiple drivers can sound as clean as a single BMS coax/horn.
  5. M

    12 low/mid drivers

    I'm using a RCF MB12N405 with the same 4594HE and horns that are in the PM 90/60. Same 650Hz crossover point too.. I always use it with a sub, 100Hz cross, and built the box to that spec. So i don't know how well it would tune lower, but I think getting to 80Hz should be very easy. It sounds...
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    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Hi Peter, you beat me to it...saw the new Martin Longbow in LSI last evening and said, "hmmm, wonder where they got that idea?" ;)
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    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Looks great Ivan, enjoy! @ Peter, yep, take Hennessy as a compliment indeed They clearly spotted your component selection / build. I've seen a few others (myself included) build off your driver selection groundwork. And I've seen at least one other similar design, that was willing to have...
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    Dynamic speaker processing

    Yep, reflects my thinking too. I don't think any special processing, in terms of sliding crossover points, or tone control contours vs SPL, or etc, is being done with any of the common self-powered boxes. Maybe not any boxes period. Just plain ole limiting is all I've encountered, ...and...
  9. M

    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    Hi Ti, Very nice work. The q-sys looks very capable. How many taps, at what sample rates, can it handle? One trick I've learned for aligning subs, when using linear-phase crossovers, is to find the sub's delay with everything in play other than the FIR filter. This usually gives a...
  10. M

    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Hi Huw, can't tell if you wanted the files..... if so rePhase or FIRd ? & PM with email address ...
  11. M

    B&C 15CXN88 build

    Hey Bennet, thought I'd try to kinda morph off the SM-80....but using a 15" and venting it. I see you guys recommend a 1.2kHz crossover at 12dB/oct or greater....... Do you think I could move crossover any lower safely , given I'm using at least 48 dB, even 96 dB/oct ? I won't hold you to it :)...
  12. M

    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Huw, I had not responded because my EQ's are FIR files, and are no doubt too large to fit into the X8's available tap count. But I got to thinking...if you are using either rephase or FirDesigner, I could send the project file and you could resize accordingly. Let me know if that would help...
  13. M

    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Excellent David, construction looks great. Looking forward to hearing your evaluation/comparisons.
  14. M

    X32 Rack as dedicated monitor mixer: maximum number of stereo feeds

    I haven't tried to verify 8 pairs of linked buses by checking final outputs, but the link indicators appear to say you can link all 16 buses into 8 pairs. Is there a limitation of 4 pair, plus LR, that the link indicators overlook?
  15. M

    X32 Rack as dedicated monitor mixer: maximum number of stereo feeds

    Yes....just tried! Set Monitor Source to Aux 7/8. Set Aux 7/8 Source on Home-Config tab to Mix Buss 15/16 (Aux 7/8 source is normally USB L/R)
  16. M

    15" hornloaded coax

    I'd go back outside and measure each of the drivers individually. I'm guessing either the 1464 horn in the throat of your 15" is giving you the ripples like you're thinking, or you have a timing issue between the 15" and the CD. If the 15" alone still measures with the ripples...
  17. M

    JTR Noesis 3TX Port Geometry

    Hi Max, Art and David have forgotten more about speaker building than I've learned yet, and the only reason I'm chiming in is because i have a pair of 3TX. I'd happily share picts and dimensions of the box, but since it is a current commercial product, I don't feel that information belongs to...
  18. M

    4'' or 5'' coax front fill

    Maybe something from hypex ?
  19. M

    New DIY double 15 bass/kick

    Very helpful post David, for us guys trying to learn HornResp... Thanks !!!! Mark
  20. M

    Modular Mid-High

    Wow Gene ! Those are 12"s ? With a 2" CD ? What drivers? Who made them? How tall, and deep are your boxes? They look like they're over 5ft easy. How do you use them? Stacked on subs? If so, how do you keep them in place? Do you use different settings for 1, 2, or 3 together? I've...