Aug 4, 2011
For nearly a century, The Assembly Theatre at The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis has hosted lectures and shows from an incredibly broad range of speakers and performers, including everyone from Helen Keller, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Garrison Keillor to Henry Rollins, Amanda Palmer, and The Jayhawks. First opened in February of 1928, the nonprofit organization’s six-story mansion overlooking Loring Park has certainly hosted its share of historic events for both private Club members and the visiting public alike in its cozy 630-seat venue.
For the past two years, Rip Nordhougen, Technical Director for The Woman’s Club, has been working with the goal of “bringing back to life a wonderful theatre that was originally used for vaudeville,” he says. “The Assembly has basically been unused for several years, so finding a new console to replace our old one installed in 2008 was definitely the first step. We needed a reliable, easy-to-use desk that would suit us well for the next 10 years or...

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